
Individual Counseling

Also known as Psychotherapy or talk therapy, is a process that happens in a safe setting. It allows for an individual to receive support and direction to overcome challenges and enhance growth. We serve all of Florida through virtual services. We offer face-to-face services.
Offering services for

Teen Counseling

The adolescent years can be a challenging stage of life. This is a time of self-discovery and social interactions. Adolescent girls can face challenges such as body image and self-acceptance. They may also struggle with maintaining healthy relationships while interacting with their peers.

Purple Petals Healing Bar can assist your adolescent with identifying stressors and learning healthy coping skills to navigate their adolescent years with confidence. We also assist with identifying their emotions and communicating their feelings assertively. We believe every adolescent girl has inner seeds of strength. With nurturing and support we can help her sprout petals for growth.

We assist with overcoming

Trauma and EMDR

Trauma is the response of an event that leaves an individual feeling threatened or distressed. The experience could take place as a single event or multiple events over a period of time. The event could be a natural disaster or an unexpected accident. As a result the individual may suffers with disruption in a physical, emotional, or psychological way.

Relational Trauma is the response of feeling distressed and unsafe. Unlike a single traumatic event, relational trauma is ongoing and it involves at least two individuals. Relational trauma during childhood is the experience of abandonment, abuse, or emotional and physical neglect. Relational trauma as an adult could consist of domestic violence or enmeshment. This type of trauma could leave an individual using avoidance, interacting anxiously, or experiences symptoms of depression while engaging in their adult relationships.

How Trauma Impacts the Body- Individual may feel hyperaware, holds tension and other unpleasant sensations in their body. One may feels disconnected or numb and have difficulties identifying body sensations. Exposure to trauma could also cause physical illnesses such as headaches, stomach aches, and back pains.

EMDR therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can assist with getting rid of symptoms and memories from the past that are stored in long-term memory. It helps retrieve the long-term memories and place them into your short-term memory. Once memories are in the short-term memory they are reprocessed and desensitized through bilateral stimulation, which causes disturbance to decrease. As the disturbance decrease your information and beliefs about yourself are reframed into positive beliefs with decreased symptoms and triggers.

Through EMDR therapy, I assist women in healing from relational wounds, so they can navigate relationships with confidence and ease.